A low-level sword dares to come to die. The flash of a sword in his hand makes everyone feel a sharp pain in his eyes. The two swords bang, and the Oriental fierce love sword sun sets. What is the fierce saying in the East is also considered as a bad hero. When he is light in his hand, he already knows that his feet are not good. Some people have drifted backwards and escaped Yue Jianfeng’s firm but gentle sword. What is this sword? Everyone is stupefied and turns their attention to Yue Jianfeng’s hand. The sword shines in the moonlight, and the sword moves like two living creatures.

The ancient artifact "Killing Immortal Sword" is the punishment sword of the gods and punishments of the gods to slay the immortals and Fan Lvxian, and the power ratio is that even pick Jin Xian can’t stand this sword.
How do we three look at each other? It seems that we have spelled the sound of jade Xiao’s lips and monty. Jade Xiao stabbed Yue Jianfeng with two long swords, one hard and one soft.
When the two rings, because the two swords are not Xianjian or Fa Jian didn’t break immediately, but the powerful force over Xianli still made the double swords collapse, the two men’s eyes flashed a stunned color. Although they knew that their swords couldn’t be put together for several times, they were surprised that they were still cracked when they were filled with strong force.
What did the thief do? A charming drink sounded. Gongsun Yue’s free and unfettered scabbard went straight to the window and a servant dressed up and stabbed him.
Harsh noise and light cut through the night. Everyone knows that this is the distress signal for them to read the sword door. It is difficult for them to bring anyone else to come to the East Snow. Regardless of these swords, they have stabbed the light wing. One after another, the sword flowers bloom in the night, which is cold and murderous, and the angry flame is cold in the spring. hentai’s bitter shadow is clear, Zhu Yan is clear, and the thin shadow is five-potential. One hand is to kill the sword with light wings.
Snow drifts in Wan Li, frozen heaven and earth, snow drifts with a chill, sword shadow rises, figure flutters, figure flutters, and people hear that the double swords are hitting each other constantly, one after another, sparks bloom in the night, and a sudden light comes straight into the double swords, and a strong force actually makes the snow in the East fly backwards.
Cher saw that her sister was shocked to fly to the East, and the thunder exclaimed that it was a real leap to pick up the East Snow.
Does the Oriental family want to have a wheel war? The majestic sound has been more than a white-haired man with a long sword in front of the light wing. The pressure on the hilt has made people feel a sense of being a minister. The two men who read the sword have always paid a courtesy to people. The bearer is the swordsman who reads the sword, and the sword is called Yue Jianfeng.
I don’t know why Yuemen came to my Oriental Family, but these two little thieves came to the East with a fierce fuels and a smile, and directly said that the sword-reading duo became thieves. My Oriental Family was dealing with thieves, but I didn’t know that these two were your sword-reading people.
Old Yue Mo Yan’s voice rang fiercely, but this old Yue can’t explain it. Although he has white hair, he doesn’t look like an old man. It’s no wonder that your two little dolls came here to make trouble first.
Disrupting Yue Jianfeng smiled contemptuously. They were sent by me to eliminate evil spirits and defend the Oriental Fierce. Let me ask you something: you are the devil of four big families, one magic door and five evils.
The fierce frown in the East is firm, Lord Yue. There is nothing wrong with my friends in every family in the East. One-day friends and lifelong friends. Anyone who wants to find trouble with my friends in the East must step over the body of my friends in the East.
Good magic door, three statues cheered together. I’ve long heard that the word "Oriental House" is good first, but this friend is settled.
Oriental Fierce, you are still stubborn. Today, I will break you. The Oriental Family has a strong murderous look and Yue Jianfeng’s sword has fallen into his hands.
Yue Jianfeng, I ask you, the fierce temper of the East has also come. A sword of the setting sun is in your hand. You keep saying that evil spirits are heretics. Then I ask you what you have done in the different magic doors. You want to kill them all.
Ok, I’ll tell you that Yue Jianfeng’s face is cold and ice-cold. In the thirty-six years, he returned to Jiang Shenyang, and one hundred and fourteen people were destroyed overnight. In the same year, Luo Zhenhao, a senior official of Kyoto punishments, was killed. In the sixty-four years of Pingcheng, the Chen family was punished and left behind two red characters. The head of Qingxia Sect was assassinated the following year. The owner of the door personally admitted that the knight errant Cui threw himself into a cliff and died in 167. The magic door forced the country to be quiet. How many court officials have been killed? You have said who did
Yes, we did all this, but we dare to say that we are ashamed of our conscience. You said that many scenes in our door are unknown. We can say that different magic swords don’t kill sinners. Seriously speaking, Yue Jianfeng knows that in the thirty-sixth year of Dajingguo, Okoyi invaded soldiers and accused Wu Hu of provoking people in Wulin to kill each other, which finally made Hu Yingwei shake the frontier and make Hu people swear not to invade for a hundred years. Who has quelled the Wulin chaos by thunder and lightning? Who group is the plague after the flood in the water area of Dajingguo in seventy-four years? Weave thousands of roving doctors and bring mangoku grain to rescue the country. In 174, when Hu Yibing broke Wuyi’s national situation, who led thousands of people to ambush and just killed millions of Hu Bing? The tone was very excited. What is the great achievement? This is called the great achievement.
Everyone was shocked to listen to Leng Cang Ming’s words. These secret things are all different magic doors, while Cang Yan’s guards are even more excited. In their minds, it seems that it is not different magic doors that hold Okoyi’s footsteps, fearing that he has become a national subjugation. Love in Cang Yan’s heart is more prosperous, and no one has found that Yue Jianfeng’s face twitched after Leng Cang Ming said these things. Anyway, these are all from verification, and I said that those are all credentials. Today, I have to destroy the different magic doors. Is this small firm but gentle sword name empty to the sky, and the dark sky was scratched
Good today, let me meet you. On this day, the first master, Dongfang Fang, violently attacked the scabbard of Sunset and stabbed Yue Jianfeng with a burst of hot air.
A low-level sword dares to come to die. The flash of a sword in his hand makes everyone feel a sharp pain in his eyes. The two swords bang, and the Oriental fierce love sword sun sets. What is the fierce saying in the East is also considered as a bad hero. When he is light in his hand, he already knows that his feet are not good. Some people have drifted backwards and escaped Yue Jianfeng’s firm but gentle sword. What is this sword? Everyone is stupefied and turns their attention to Yue Jianfeng’s hand. The sword shines in the moonlight, and the sword moves like two living creatures.
The ancient artifact "Killing Immortal Sword" is the punishment sword of the gods and punishments of the gods to slay the immortals and Fan Lvxian, and the power ratio is that even pick Jin Xian can’t stand this sword.
How do we three look at each other? It seems that we have spelled the sound of jade Xiao’s lips and monty. Jade Xiao stabbed Yue Jianfeng with two long swords, one hard and one soft.
When the two rings, because the two swords are not Xianjian or Fa Jian didn’t break immediately, but the powerful force over Xianli still made the double swords collapse, the two men’s eyes flashed a stunned color. Although they knew that their swords couldn’t be put together for several times, they were surprised that they were still cracked when they were filled with strong force.
What did the thief do? A charming drink sounded. Gongsun Yue’s free and unfettered scabbard went straight to the window and a servant dressed up and stabbed him.
Harsh noise and light cut through the night. Everyone knows that this is the distress signal for them to read the sword door. It is difficult for them to bring anyone else to come to the East Snow. Regardless of these swords, they have stabbed the light wing. One after another, the sword flowers bloom in the night, which is cold and murderous, and the angry flame is cold in the spring. hentai’s bitter shadow is clear, Zhu Yan is clear, and the thin shadow is five-potential. One hand is to kill the sword with light wings.
Snow drifts in Wan Li, frozen heaven and earth, snow drifts with a chill, sword shadow rises, figure flutters, figure flutters, and people hear that the double swords are hitting each other constantly, one after another, sparks bloom in the night, and a sudden light comes straight into the double swords, and a strong force actually makes the snow in the East fly backwards.
Cher saw that her sister was shocked to fly to the East, and the thunder exclaimed that it was a real leap to pick up the East Snow.
Does the Oriental family want to have a wheel war? The majestic sound has been more than a white-haired man with a long sword in front of the light wing. The pressure on the hilt has made people feel a sense of being a minister. The two men who read the sword have always paid a courtesy to people. The bearer is the swordsman who reads the sword, and the sword is called Yue Jianfeng.
I don’t know why Yuemen came to my Oriental Family, but these two little thieves came to the East with a fierce fuels and a smile, and directly said that the sword-reading duo became thieves. My Oriental Family was dealing with thieves, but I didn’t know that these two were your sword-reading people.
Old Yue Mo Yan’s voice rang fiercely, but this old Yue can’t explain it. Although he has white hair, he doesn’t look like an old man. It’s no wonder that your two little dolls came here to make trouble first.
Disrupting Yue Jianfeng smiled contemptuously. They were sent by me to eliminate evil spirits and defend the Oriental Fierce. Let me ask you something: you are the devil of four big families, one magic door and five evils.