When Hua rang, something exploded in the sharp rustling sound, which was almost like a timpani in loud music, and the rustling sound was immediately suppressed. With this sound, something was blown from the pool to the middle at the same time, and then it fell to the ground in a swirl, staring at those long and short crawling insects, and a chill made his hair stand up. The insect’s body shape was not very big, but its image was really ugly. soft armor covered these in section by section. Worms’ long bodies are dark red or bluish black, and bearded things are covered on both sides of their bodies. I don’t know whether their legs or other things are crawling endlessly. The soft flesh on their heads forms a structure similar to that of their mouths. With the huff and puff, two hook-shaped black teeth appear from time to time, and the sea water keeps bulging from the pool. Those so-called sea silkworms also emerge with the sea water in waves. The harsh rustling just now is no longer audible. It is full of water and has become a burst of gurgling water.

I can’t imagine how this kind of worm can be in such a large number. He recalled that he had seen four or five such houses on this line when he crashed through the fence. I thought it was all the places where Inny raised sea silkworms. Now, such a large number of sea silkworms have been found from such a place, and all the other places are left together. I feel creepy when I think about it.
As the sea water gushes, several sea silkworms are crowded in the water layer by layer. It seems that the speed of sea water gushing can’t keep up with their current speed. The water surface base can’t be seen. Only occasionally can the sea silkworms be slightly reflected when they are swept into a ball, but that reflection is quickly supplemented by other sea silkworms. In this horrible peristalsis, a foul smell is filled, and the sea water is constantly coming in and slowly approaching the white line. Looking at the approaching worm sea water with a frown, it is discovered. The ground here is slightly inclined, which is not easy to be noticed, but the sea water is slowly rising now, but this feature is revealed. The sea silkworms are rolling into balls and soon approaching the body abandoned outside the white line. Now they are looking at the sea silkworms without blinking. He wants to see what horrible things these ugly worms will do.
The sea silkworms seem to smell the smell of the corpse, and they have gathered into bigger balls and rolled in that direction. These big and small worm balls move slowly in the seawater and soon cover the corpse. One worm ball after another is pressing each other to climb to the corpse first, and then the sea silkworms are quickly covered. Soon, these weird worms cover the corpse from head to toe, and the crawling speed of the sea silkworms is much slower than that of the sea silkworms after covering the entity. There are still some hazy smoke, and the eyes are full of worms. The waves are constantly changing colors.
The remaining sea silkworms will definitely make people feel uncomfortable and bite after rushing to the body. He is also mentally prepared to meet the unbearable sound, but it makes him feel strange that the sea silkworms should be so squirming but not even making a strange sound. But the rest of them saw another horrible picture. With the thick carpet of sea silkworms fluctuating, they came to cover the high-water body, but now they are slowly falling, as if the body was an inflatable doll just now, but it has been broken and leaked.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-seven Nai
It seems that Inny’s speech is not false. These look uglier than bugs, but they can chew up such a big body in such a short time.
What should I do? Do you really want women here to stop the sea silkworms? Now I finally see that those worms are fierce. His heart is tight and tight. Although I have met several vicious people, I never thought that I would be in such a horrible and embarrassing situation one day.
In his heart, he resisted doing things here and now, but he had to face those sea silkworms that were surging and crawling horribly. He felt that he had closed his eyes and died, but Jiang Haimei was still in his arms. Is it just that he was bitten to pieces by those worms? His physical strength is not enough for him to deal with those sea silkworms that are still spraying from the pool, but his hidden equipment is almost impossible. In this special environment, these worms are too small, that is, they are left wearing special materials. Clothing, but he still has bare hands and face. What can these places cover up, especially what should Jiang Haimei do? Her life seems to be much more precious than her own. How can she give up easily when she faces her beloved?
But in order to fight for a little while waiting for reinforcements to arrive, don’t you have to invade these girls who are still unconscious around you? Although it doesn’t conflict with young and beautiful women, it can only happen on the basis of pursuing pleasure and enjoyment. Now, if he wants to save his life in such an environment, he feels that he doesn’t have the ability.
I stuck it in the lower abdomen to avoid too much blood, but I didn’t pull out the long thorn. Because I was left with the body, I trembled slightly and shook a few times. Although I can still endure this kind of injury now, anyone who inserted a foreign body in his body will not feel comfortable with the long thorn. This jitter immediately made him feel uncomfortable. He bowed his head over Jiang Haimei’s body and looked at the wound only to find that the long thorn was going to fall off.
The rest didn’t care about this phenomenon. He had to slip outward because of the shock of his body in the fierce fight just now. However, he was nervous because he was faced with a major choice at this time, but he didn’t realize that the wound was not only uncomfortable but also itchy.
Inny’s triumphant voice rang again. He smiled in the loudspeaker. What happened, little fellow? I think you have seen the sea silkworm now. Haven’t they crossed the white line yet? I’m very anxious to wait. Just wait for it to be exhausted by women or eaten by sea silkworm.
Only when I heard his words, my heart was burning with anger, but now he can do everything he can, resist trying to rush to the loudspeaker, scold him impulsively, and quickly think about a step in his mind.
The sea silkworm covered with the corpse has once again sunk into the water. After they rippled along the water waves, they were shocked to find that the corpse just now didn’t even have any meat residue left. It seems that the cartilage tissue of the bone joint was not spared when the sea silkworm bit it. Now the bones left in the corpse are scattered and scattered, and it is impossible to form a shape.
Looking at the scene outside the white line in surprise, he was completely crushed by all this in front of him, imagining that his lover would also end his life in this way, imagining that Hai Jiang Mei’s perfect body would become a broken bone and finally be silent again.
Several sea silkworms have touched the edge of the white line, and now there is no time to hesitate. Outside, his allies may attack at any time, and his brother is life when he is looking for his trace everywhere. Although he is not sure whether he will get the chance to escape during this delay, he has to grit his teeth and try.
His trembling hands put the soft Jiang Haimei aside, but then he turned his eyes to another woman around him. It was not that he didn’t want Jiang Haimei to stimulate the white line aura through his body, but he just said that after the poisonous gas would become an extremely painful process, he still didn’t want his lover to suffer that kind of severe pain, so he turned his target to a stranger.
His hand trembled and he reached out to the unconscious woman’s heart, but secretly prayed that she would suffer less from coma. Although she was a stranger, she was going to impose that kind of pain on others because of her simple character, but now the form is very critical. To hesitate again is to feed the lives of the people here to the ugly sea silkworm. The man dared to let go of all distractions and tore the dress clean.
It seems that Inny didn’t resort to violence when he was unconscious at these sacrifices. The woman was so bright and delicate in the light, and there was no shocking scar on her body. She was very gentle and soft.
In the future, when such a meticulous woman is in front of a man, even if she pretends to be a respectable man, she will have to tremble in her heart secretly. But at this inappropriate time, the place has left her with no interest in facing her.
His eyes wandered and he quickly took off his clothes. Now the arrow is in the line, but can the bottom line of his heart shoot the arrow? This question can’t even be answered. His heart is cold, his lips are bitter, his limbs are stiff like old branches, and he moves slowly like a rusty machine. In this case, he has to get up and feel ridiculous and sad.
Chapter one hundred and sixty Yellowbird in the back
Now, Inny is a proud man. He is humming contentedly outside the house. Although this time, with the help of his physical strength and a gang of brothers, the four mysterious people have helped to turn this island upside down, but Inny is still very satisfied that he can finally get this person with outstanding ability to retreat. Now, although he has worked hard for many years to build this base, he has already set up a second base in a farther and more hidden place to ask for money. How can he make a comeback? Now, although Inny is heartbroken here, his.
For a person like him who lives in the shadow forever, if he can cause a little pain to others, he can be excited for a long time.
In the secret cave of his feet, the audio transmission equipment didn’t observe the situation inside. The video recording equipment went to see those sea silkworms eating flesh and blood, and the steel plates were trapped to watch them directly. But now he is always worried that he will be left with that ability. He is also secretly regretting that he didn’t install a set of video recording equipment in his face. That’s right. Now he can safely and boldly watch how the enemy was tortured to death, but this wish has been realized. After being disappointed, Inny is good at listening to the face sound in that two-way broadcasting loudspeaker.
But now I seem to have done nothing in the face, and I can’t even hear my heavy breathing in the sound reinforcement, which makes Inny really depressed. He has played with the enemy to the last step, but he has managed to appreciate the beautiful scene before he died, which can prevent him from scratching his head in anxiety.
Inny wanted to say something more to stimulate the left, but he was afraid of interrupting the left action. Although this filthy and despicable person has a dirty and dark side, he also touched people’s hearts very well in the process of creating this Satan organization. For this kind of blood left by elephants, Henny deeply knows not to stimulate him too hard, otherwise he may be able to ignore life and death with a passion, but he will no longer be able to satisfy his dark desires.
In fact, there is another one left in Inny’s torture here. He called him a bitch when he smashed the fence just now, and he didn’t drive this guy crazy. He lost his male signs. This is Inny’s most secretive and legal thing. A large part of others’ talk about his filth and darkness also comes from this aspect, but this is what men are most ashamed of starting things with outsiders. Today, they are left with care and are punctured. Even if no third person is present to hear it, Inny still wants to peel and cramp the rest from the bottom of his heart.
Now, with this hatred and twisted heart, he wants to listen to his enemies, and he is so absorbed in the megaphone that he ignores the surrounding situation
Four tall and burly figures have been lurking on the other side of the fence, but they have escaped from the Inni poles. The puppets of the gods are also in sorrow, and their necks have been broken and they have lost their ability to act. However, because those small noises are covered by the sea breeze and waves through the fence, Innigan does not know that the other side of the fence has changed.
In fact, he is not an idiot. He was ready to get out of here before the rest of the battle. The battle in the bushes at the first shore has already caused Inny’s note. Only then will there be a sneak attack in the bungalow, the floor flip in the lobby, and the bodies will be hidden through the tunnel. The only thing Inny didn’t expect was that Knife Fan suddenly defected, but he had already set an ambush in that tunnel, and he also calculated it.
Now that he has prepared everything for the back road, he will race against time to eavesdrop on the rest, and he will not wave even when there is a little movement on the surface.
However, the four figures are left. They have seen the mysterious man in the lobby. They are all masters with power. After jumping into the tunnel, Dao Fan also jumped in coldly. When they wanted to follow in, the case closed. The four men, Wang Ming and his brothers, hurried to find other entrances, but Satan’s organization has been operating here for many years. The machine setting is indeed more precise than this group. It is also impossible to find a door. Wang Ming is a rude man who can fight well, but it is not his power to make him angry with him. Anxious fire shot up, so he rushed to the lobby with a heavy weapon to find a living member of Satan’s organization to torture him. But his anxiety was even more chaotic, and a large group of brothers were noisy and followed him.
The four Hans were left before the hair was left. He had been to Lei Jian headquarters to send him reinforcements. This time, Lei Jian organization still had to rely on the left side because of various reasons for sending large troops to land here. However, considering this dangerous situation, the headquarters there also gritted their teeth and sent these experts to help them in the dark. At the same time, they also paid a lot of money to send a batch of high-tech equipment and weapons.
These four Hans were selected from many agents after extremely harsh training. They were not as reckless as Wang Ming. Although they couldn’t find the entrance to the underground tunnel after searching all over the lobby, they decided to send three of them to explore the island with their years of experience, while the remaining one continued to stay in the lobby and continue to look for it.
Then go and explore the three people, and one of them will search towards the fence. He has a good ear and eyes because of his superb ability. He found out that Indy was left, but this person did not rashly help alone. When the other three people gathered together, he sneaked over. Now they are divided into two groups, hiding on both sides of the big hole in the fence, observing Indy’s every move, ready to find the right opportunity, and giving this dark-hearted guy a hard time.
Now, Inny is a proud man. He is humming contentedly outside the house. Although this time, with the help of his physical strength and a gang of brothers, the four mysterious people have helped to turn this island upside down, but Inny is still very satisfied that he can finally get this person with outstanding ability to retreat. Now, although he has worked hard for many years to build this base, he has already set up a second base in a farther and more hidden place to ask for money. How can he make a comeback? Now, although Inny is heartbroken here, his.
For a person like him who lives in the shadow forever, if he can cause a little pain to others, he can be excited for a long time.
In the secret cave of his feet, the audio transmission equipment didn’t observe the situation inside. The video recording equipment went to see those sea silkworms eating flesh and blood, and the steel plates were trapped to watch them directly. But now he is always worried that he will be left with that ability. He is also secretly regretting that he didn’t install a set of video recording equipment in his face. That’s right. Now he can safely and boldly watch how the enemy was tortured to death, but this wish has been realized. After being disappointed, Inny is good at listening to the face sound in that two-way broadcasting loudspeaker.
But now I seem to have done nothing in the face, and I can’t even hear my heavy breathing in the sound reinforcement, which makes Inny really depressed. He has played with the enemy to the last step, but he has managed to appreciate the beautiful scene before he died, which can prevent him from scratching his head in anxiety.
Inny wanted to say something more to stimulate the left, but he was afraid of interrupting the left action. Although this filthy and despicable person has a dirty and dark side, he also touched people’s hearts very well in the process of creating this Satan organization. For this kind of blood left by elephants, Henny deeply knows not to stimulate him too hard, otherwise he may be able to ignore life and death with a passion, but he will no longer be able to satisfy his dark desires.
In fact, there is another one left in Inny’s torture here. He called him a bitch when he smashed the fence just now, and he didn’t drive this guy crazy. He lost his male signs. This is Inny’s most secretive and legal thing. A large part of others’ talk about his filth and darkness also comes from this aspect, but this is what men are most ashamed of starting things with outsiders. Today, they are left with care and are punctured. Even if no third person is present to hear it, Inny still wants to peel and cramp the rest from the bottom of his heart.
Now, with this hatred and twisted heart, he wants to listen to his enemies, and he is so absorbed in the megaphone that he ignores the surrounding situation
Four tall and burly figures have been lurking on the other side of the fence, but they have escaped from the Inni poles. The puppets of the gods are also in sorrow, and their necks have been broken and they have lost their ability to act. However, because those small noises are covered by the sea breeze and waves through the fence, Innigan does not know that the other side of the fence has changed.
In fact, he is not an idiot. He was ready to get out of here before the rest of the battle. The battle in the bushes at the first shore has already caused Inny’s note. Only then will there be a sneak attack in the bungalow, the floor flip in the lobby, and the bodies will be hidden through the tunnel. The only thing Inny didn’t expect was that Knife Fan suddenly defected, but he had already set an ambush in that tunnel, and he also calculated it.